Cape Cod Brass


Cape Cod Brass managed its Google Ads campaigns internally for ten years before it became too overwhelming. “After 10-plus years of doing Google, it was consuming a tremendous amount of my time. I could never do any work,” says Alan Goode, a Cape Cod Brass owner.

In addition to a need to save time, Cape Cod Brass knew that they weren’t reaching their full potential online. “I’m just a layman. I did some keywords, but never really optimized all the tools that Google Ads (at the time AdWords) could really do for us –– implement analytics, things like that,” said Mr. Goode.


CommonMind thoroughly analyzed the account, and put tracking in place to give the company an accurate picture of ROI from Google Ads, with a breakdown of high and low performing elements of the campaigns.

CommonMind then reorganized the campaign structure, reduced ad impressions by 50% to eliminate wasted spend, and implemented a more segmented approach to Shopping campaigns. CommonMind continues to manage the campaigns on an ongoing basis, a relationship that has continued for over six years.

Year One Results

Within two months, Cape Cod Brass went from a near break even return, to a 250% return on ad spend. Within six months, order volume doubled. Six years later, Cape Cod Brass has achieved continual growth in order volume and sales, and return on ad spend is now over 500%. This has allowed the company to add product lines from new manufacturers and expand its business into new areas.

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