By Matthew Forrest | July 18, 2014

Google AdWords CTR (clickthrough rate) is a key metric to consider when analyzing your campaigns, ad groups, and keywords. As indicated by Larry Kim of WordStream Inc., a higher CTR shows Google that your ad is pertinent to the audience it is targeted towards. This is key because Google shows the ads it deems to be most relevant. Furthermore, “higher CTRs therefore lead to higher Quality Scores, which result in lower costs per click, better ad placement, and more impressions.”

According to Kim there are four common mistakes that AdWords marketers make.

Failure to Focus on These Three Keyword Types

High Commercial Intent Keywords

AdWords marketers often tend to chase those who are searching for general information when their efforts would be more optimally spent trying to convert a prospect that is already showing the intent to make a purchase.

Branded Keywords

Remember there are two types of branded keywords: your branded keywords and those of your competitors. Do not only focus on your own, but bid on your competitors’, as well. We have found that segmenting these two types of branded keywords into different ad groups will make your campaigns easier to manage.

Local Keywords

Focus on keywords that are relevant locally and you will get your ad in front of customers who are “on the go, actively searching for information, and displaying high intent to purchase.” An example would be a specific product or service that is available within the appropriate geographic area.

Overly Relying on Dynamic Keyword Insertion

Although helpful, dynamic keyword insertions can only help so much. Kim recommends only relying on it to a certain extent, in combination with other tactics.

Not Using Ad Extensions

“Ad extensions are ‘a feature that displays extra business information with your ad, such as an address, phone number, more webpage links, or a coupon,’ according to Google.”

Many would say that ad extensions are a marketing no-brainer as they “enable you to take up a greater portion of the search engine results page, offer additional links to your site…and more.”

Boring, Ad Copy

Do not focus too much on having your keywords specifically in your ad – making your ad compelling, and relevant, will make people want to click on it.

Read more of Kim’s wisdom here.

Key Takeaways

  • Focus your efforts on customers that are ready to make a purchase
  • Do not only focus on your own branded keywords, but those of your competitor, as well
  • Make sure to take advantage of opportunities locally with the use of local keywords
  • Dynamic keyword insertions are not a magic bullet, they are only part of your arsenal
  • Ad extensions are a great tool to use to attract attention to your ad
  • Have a compelling ad – don’t be a bore