Clix Marketing recently posted a blog about the big 5 ad copy triggers. With the ever increasing competition to garner new customers ad copy strategy is more important than ever. Use these tips to optimize your ad copy:

  • Address the cost of the product or service for which you’re advertising. Even if the price depends – as it often does – it must be addressed. “We Meet Or Beat Competitors’ Prices”, “See Pricing”, and “Best Bang For Your Buck” are a few examples.
  • Address the pain points related to the product/service.
  • Emphasize the key differentiators of your products in comparison to your competitors’.
  • Utilize review extensions. Although these can be difficult to get approved, if there are good third party reviews available you want that review to be associated with your ad.
  • If you’re the best at something (and of course you are) tell people why.

Use these tips to enhance your ad copy and watch your click-through rates soar!